Interactive compliance quiz and art specific online AML training
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Interactive compliance quiz and art specific online AML training

Today we are pleased to announce the first in our online interactive tools and services.

October 28th, 2020

Today we are pleased to announce the first in our online interactive tools and services.

Does Anti-Money Laundering affect you?

If you’re a UK art business, cast your mind back to January this year when the regulations were announced. Businesses were expected to go from 0 to 100 with limited understanding, experience and assistance.

Confusion aside, we wanted to help art businesses figure-out if they even need to worry about these new regulations.

Introducing - drumroll please - the arcarta compliance quiz. In less than 30 seconds you can find out if your business falls under regulation.

The Arcarta AML Compliance Quiz is available here.

Introducing Online AML training courses for Galleries, Dealers, Auctioneers and Agents

The 3.5 hour course will cover everything you’ll need to know to confidently deal with any situation that should arise while allowing you to satisfy your legal obligation. The course can be taken at your own pace and will be followed by a short quiz. Upon completion, you’ll receive a named and dated certificate.

The course will include, but will not be limited to:

• AML and its place within the Art Market and the what it means to your art business

• Understanding what you need to do to comply

• Politically Exposed Persons (PEPs) and Sanctioned individuals: What are they and what to do when dealing with one

• An introduction to the International Money Laundering Prevention Framework and the 5th Anti-Money Laundering Directive

• Customer Due Diligence, what is it and how to do it: Standard and Enhanced

• Transaction monitoring, Record Keeping and your Reporting obligations

• What are Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs) and what do I need to do?

• Data protection, GDPR and Money-Laundering

• Reliance: What is it and how can it be used to save having to disclose your clients information to other art businesses.

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About arcarta

Arcarta is a Due Diligence platform for the art market and is used by over 400 Art businesses internationally.

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